101+ Funny Gorilla Jokes

Gorillas are majestic and powerful, but they also have a funny side! If you love a good laugh, this collection of over 101 funny gorilla jokes is perfect for you.

Whether you’re looking to break the ice at a party or simply want to bring a smile to someone’s face, these jokes are sure to do the trick. Let’s dive in!

 1. Classic Gorilla Jokes

  1. Why did the gorilla bring a ladder to the bar?
    • Answer: Because it heard the drinks were on the house!
    • Description: The gorilla brings a ladder because it misunderstands the phrase “on the house,” thinking the drinks are literally on the roof.
  2. What do you get when you cross a gorilla with a computer?
    • Answer: A very hairy programmer!
    • Description: This joke plays on the idea of a “hairy” problem, but instead, it’s the programmer who’s hairy.
  3. Why don’t gorillas use iPhones?
    • Answer: They prefer ape-ple products!
    • Description: The joke uses a pun on “Apple,” playing with the word “ape” to make it gorilla-themed.
  4. What do you call a gorilla who loves pop music?
    • Answer: A chimpan-zing!
    • Description: “Chimpan-zing” is a play on “chimpanzee” and “zing,” indicating the gorilla’s love for pop music.
  5. Why did the gorilla sit on the clock?
    • Answer: It wanted to be on time!
    • Description: The gorilla literally sits on a clock to “be on time,” taking the phrase too literally.
  6. What do you call a gorilla with a banana in each ear?
    • Answer: Anything you want, he can’t hear you!
    • Description: The gorilla can’t hear because its ears are blocked by bananas, so you can call it anything.
  7. Why don’t gorillas like fast food?
    • Answer: Because they can’t catch it!
    • Description: The joke is a play on words; “fast food” is interpreted as food that runs away.
  8. What do you get when you cross a gorilla and a bulldog?
    • Answer: A really strong animal that barks like wild!
    • Description: The combination of a gorilla’s strength and a bulldog’s bark creates a humorous mental image.
  9. Why did the gorilla wear sunglasses?
    • Answer: Because it didn’t want to be recognized!
    • Description: The joke assumes the gorilla is famous and wears sunglasses to avoid recognition.
  10. What’s a gorilla’s favorite type of joke?
    • Answer: Anything with a punchline!
    • Description: The word “punch” relates to a gorilla’s strength, making the joke fitting.

 2. Food-Themed Gorilla Jokes

  1. What’s a gorilla’s favorite fruit?
    • Answer: Ape-ricots!
    • Description: A play on the word “apricots,” changing it to “ape-ricots” to fit the gorilla theme.
  2. Why did the gorilla refuse to eat the steak?
    • Answer: It was too rare!
    • Description: The joke plays on the double meaning of “rare” – both uncooked and uncommon.
  3. What’s a gorilla’s favorite dessert?
    • Answer: Banana split!
    • Description: Gorillas are known for loving bananas, so it makes sense their favorite dessert would be banana-related.
  4. Why did the gorilla make a salad?
    • Answer: It wanted something to chew on!
    • Description: This joke is a play on the word “chew,” suggesting the gorilla prefers something leafy to munch on.
  5. What do you call a gorilla who loves pasta?
    • Answer: A spaghetti-yeti!
    • Description: Combining “spaghetti” and “yeti,” this joke creates a funny image of a pasta-loving gorilla.
  6. Why do gorillas never order burgers?
    • Answer: Because they’re always beefing with the chefs!
    • Description: The word “beefing” means having a conflict, but here it’s used literally, as in a beef burger.
  7. What do gorillas like on their pizzas?
    • Answer: Extra-chimpions!
    • Description: A play on “champions” and “chimpanzees,” making it a fitting pizza topping for gorillas.
  8. Why did the gorilla skip breakfast?
    • Answer: It was running late for monkey business!
    • Description: The phrase “monkey business” is used here to imply the gorilla has more important things to do than eat.
  9. What do you get when a gorilla bakes a cake?
    • Answer: A monkey-bread masterpiece!
    • Description: Monkey bread is a real type of bread, so the joke humorously imagines a gorilla baking it.
  10. Why did the gorilla put sugar on its banana?
    • Answer: To make it a sweet treat!
    • Description: Adding sugar to an already sweet banana emphasizes the gorilla’s sweet tooth.

 3. Gorilla Puns and Wordplay

  1. Why did the gorilla go to the bank?
    • Answer: It wanted to improve its “monkey” business!
    • Description: The joke uses “monkey business” as a pun on business ventures.
  2. What do you call a gorilla who’s good with tools?
    • Answer: An ape-rentice!
    • Description: A pun on “apprentice,” mixing “ape” with the word.
  3. Why did the gorilla become a musician?
    • Answer: It had great ape-litude!
    • Description: A play on the word “aptitude,” mixing it with “ape” to show the gorilla’s musical skill.
  4. What’s a gorilla’s favorite type of exercise?
    • Answer: Ape-robatics!
    • Description: Combining “acrobatics” with “ape” to fit the joke into the gorilla theme.
  5. Why did the gorilla take up gardening?
    • Answer: It had a green ape-thumb!
    • Description: The phrase “green thumb” is humorously adapted to “ape-thumb” for the gorilla.
  6. What do you call a gorilla that tells jokes?
    • Answer: A pun-derful primate!
    • Description: The joke highlights the gorilla’s skill in making puns, calling it “pun-derful.”
  7. Why did the gorilla become a chef?
    • Answer: It wanted to ape-tize everyone!
    • Description: A play on the word “appetize,” turning it into “ape-tize” to make it gorilla-themed.
  8. What’s a gorilla’s favorite candy?
    • Answer: Ape-ples!
    • Description: A simple pun on “apples,” fitting the gorilla’s fruit preferences.
  9. Why did the gorilla get a job?
    • Answer: It wanted to ape-ply itself!
    • Description: The word “apply” is humorously changed to “ape-ply,” fitting the gorilla theme.
  10. What’s a gorilla’s favorite subject in school?
    • Answer: Ape-bra!
    • Description: A pun on “algebra,” with “ape” substituted in to match the joke’s theme.

 4. Animal Comparison Gorilla Jokes

  1. What’s stronger than a gorilla?
    • Answer: Two gorillas!
    • Description: This joke is straightforward and funny due to its obvious simplicity.
  2. Why did the gorilla challenge the lion to a duel?
    • Answer: It wanted to be the mane attraction!
    • Description: The joke uses a pun on “mane,” which refers to the lion’s hair and the idea of being the main attraction.
  3. What do you call a gorilla that can swim?
    • Answer: A marine ape!
    • Description: The joke blends “marine” and “ape” to create a humorous image of a swimming gorilla.
  4. Why did the gorilla hang out with the giraffes?
    • Answer: It was looking for some high society!
    • Description: The joke uses “high society” both literally (because giraffes are tall) and figuratively.
  5. What’s a gorilla’s least favorite bird?
    • Answer: The crow, because it’s always crowing about something!
    • Description: This joke plays on the phrase “crowing about,” which means to brag.
  6. Why did the gorilla avoid the hippo?
    • Answer: It didn’t want to get into a hippo-critical situation!
    • Description: The joke uses a play on the word “hypocritical,” combining it with “hippo” for humor.
  7. What do you get when you cross a gorilla and a snake?
    • Answer: A really long banana lover!
    • Description: The joke imagines a creature that’s both long (like a snake) and loves bananas (like a gorilla).
  8. Why did the gorilla hang out with the elephants?
    • Answer: It wanted to make some big friends!
    • Description: The joke plays on the idea that elephants are big, so the gorilla wants to be friends with them.
  9. What do you call a gorilla who loves cows?
    • Answer: A moo-key!
    • Description: A blend of “moo” (cow sound) and “monkey,” making it a funny name for a gorilla who loves cows.
  10. Why did the gorilla cross the road?
    • Answer: To prove it wasn’t chicken!
    • Description: This joke is a twist on the classic “Why did the chicken cross the road?” joke, implying the gorilla is brave.
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 5. Jungle Adventure Gorilla Jokes

  1. Why did the gorilla go on an expedition?
    • Answer: To find the missing link!
    • Description: The “missing link” is a term in evolutionary biology, but here it’s used as a reason for the gorilla’s adventure.
  2. What’s a gorilla’s favorite game?
    • Answer: Hide and seek, because it’s good at blending into the jungle!
    • Description: The joke highlights the gorilla’s natural camouflage abilities in the jungle.
  3. Why did the gorilla climb the tallest tree?
    • Answer: To see the world from a different perspective!
    • Description: The joke suggests that the gorilla wanted to gain a new outlook, literally and figuratively.
  4. What did the gorilla say after exploring the jungle?
    • Answer: “It’s a jungle out there!”
    • Description: This joke uses the common phrase “It’s a jungle out there” in a literal context for the gorilla.
  5. Why do gorillas love the rainforest?
    • Answer: Because it’s where they reign supreme!
    • Description: The joke uses the word “reign” to imply that gorillas are the rulers of the rainforest.
  6. What’s a gorilla’s favorite place to explore?
    • Answer: Banana Island!
    • Description: A playful joke imagining a fictional place that’s perfect for a banana-loving gorilla.
  7. Why did the gorilla build a treehouse?
    • Answer: It wanted a penthouse suite in the jungle!
    • Description: The joke humorously elevates the gorilla’s treehouse to the status of a luxury penthouse.
  8. What do you call a gorilla who’s lost in the jungle?
    • Answer: A monkey with no GPS!
    • Description: The joke plays on the idea of being lost and the modern solution of GPS, which a gorilla obviously wouldn’t have.
  9. Why did the gorilla avoid the vines?
    • Answer: It didn’t want to get tangled in jungle business!
    • Description: A play on words with “tangled” and “jungle business,” the joke imagines the gorilla avoiding trouble.
  10. What’s a gorilla’s favorite jungle snack?
    • Answer: Vine-ripened bananas!
    • Description: The joke uses the term “vine-ripened” to describe the ideal bananas for a gorilla.

 6. School-Themed Gorilla Jokes

  1. Why did the gorilla go to school?
    • Answer: To improve its ape-titude!
    • Description: A pun on “aptitude,” changing it to “ape-titude” for a gorilla-themed joke.
  2. What subject do gorillas excel in?
    • Answer: Ape-bra!
    • Description: A pun on “algebra,” making it fit the gorilla theme.
  3. Why did the gorilla sit at the front of the class?
    • Answer: It didn’t want to miss a thing!
    • Description: The joke plays on the idea of sitting at the front to avoid distractions.
  4. What’s a gorilla’s favorite class?
    • Answer: Jungle-ology!
    • Description: A made-up subject that would obviously be a gorilla’s favorite due to its jungle setting.
  5. Why did the gorilla get an A+?
    • Answer: It went bananas with studying!
    • Description: The phrase “going bananas” is used here to describe intense studying, fitting for a gorilla joke.
  6. What do you call a gorilla’s report card?
    • Answer: A progress ape-port!
    • Description: A pun on “report,” changing it to “ape-port” for humor.
  7. Why did the gorilla skip gym class?
    • Answer: It already had enough monkey business!
    • Description: The joke uses “monkey business” to suggest the gorilla has plenty of exercise already.
  8. What do you call a gorilla who’s great at math?
    • Answer: An ape-lgebra genius!
    • Description: A pun on “algebra” and “ape,” creating a smart gorilla character.
  9. Why did the gorilla join the debate team?
    • Answer: It loved to argue its point with brute strength!
    • Description: The joke plays on the gorilla’s physical strength, humorously applying it to debates.
  10. What do you call a gorilla who studies all night?
    • Answer: A night ape!
    • Description: A play on “night owl,” the joke adapts it to fit a gorilla that stays up late studying.

 7. Career-Oriented Gorilla Jokes

  1. Why did the gorilla become a doctor?
    • Answer: It wanted to go bananas with helping people!
    • Description: The phrase “go bananas” is used to describe the gorilla’s enthusiasm for helping.
  2. What’s a gorilla’s favorite job?
    • Answer: Banana-tician!
    • Description: A made-up word blending “banana” and “mathematician,” imagining a gorilla obsessed with bananas.
  3. Why did the gorilla apply for a desk job?
    • Answer: It was tired of monkeying around!
    • Description: The joke uses the phrase “monkeying around” to explain why the gorilla wants a serious job.
  4. What do you call a gorilla who’s great at coding?
    • Answer: A byte ape!
    • Description: A pun on “byte” (as in computer data) and “ape,” creating a tech-savvy gorilla.
  5. Why did the gorilla become an artist?
    • Answer: It wanted to draw some wild conclusions!
    • Description: The joke uses “draw” both literally (as in art) and figuratively (as in drawing conclusions).
  6. What’s a gorilla’s dream job?
    • Answer: Jungle ranger!
    • Description: A simple joke suggesting that a gorilla would naturally want to protect its jungle home.
  7. Why did the gorilla open a gym?
    • Answer: It wanted to share its strength!
    • Description: The joke suggests the gorilla is so strong that it decides to help others get strong too.
  8. What do you call a gorilla who works in an office?
    • Answer: An ape-sistant manager!
    • Description: A pun on “assistant manager,” with “ape” substituted to make it gorilla-themed.
  9. Why did the gorilla quit its job?
    • Answer: It wanted to go back to the wild side!
    • Description: The joke plays on the phrase “wild side,” fitting for a gorilla who misses the jungle.
  10. What’s a gorilla’s least favorite job?
    • Answer: Banana peeler, it’s too repetitive!
    • Description: The joke imagines that peeling bananas would be boring for a gorilla, who probably does it all the time.
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 8. Gorilla Jokes for Kids

  1. Why did the gorilla love bedtime?
    • Answer: Because it was time to monkey around in its dreams!
    • Description: The joke uses the phrase “monkey around” to suggest playful dreams.
  2. What do you call a gorilla who loves to dance?
    • Answer: A funky monkey!
    • Description: A simple, kid-friendly joke that plays on the gorilla’s dance moves.
  3. Why did the baby gorilla bring a toy to school?
    • Answer: It wanted to share its playtime with friends!
    • Description: The joke imagines a playful baby gorilla who loves to share.
  4. What’s a gorilla’s favorite song?
    • Answer: The Monkey Dance!
    • Description: A fun, straightforward joke imagining a song that gorillas love to groove to.
  5. Why did the gorilla wear shoes?
    • Answer: It didn’t want to stub its toe in the jungle!
    • Description: The joke makes a funny connection between wearing shoes and avoiding stubbed toes.
  6. What do you call a gorilla who’s always hungry?
    • Answer: A munch-monkey!
    • Description: A cute joke combining “munch” (as in eating) and “monkey” for a constantly hungry gorilla.
  7. Why did the gorilla eat its homework?
    • Answer: Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!
    • Description: A classic joke format where the gorilla takes a figurative expression literally.
  8. What do you call a gorilla who tells tall tales?
    • Answer: A fib-bonkey!
    • Description: A pun on “fib” (a small lie) and “monkey,” fitting for a gorilla who exaggerates.
  9. Why did the gorilla like art class?
    • Answer: It loved painting bananas!
    • Description: The joke plays on the idea that a gorilla’s favorite subject to paint would naturally be bananas.
  10. What’s a gorilla’s favorite ice cream flavor?
    • Answer: Banana split!
    • Description: A simple, kid-friendly joke that matches a gorilla’s love for bananas with a popular dessert.

 9. Holiday Gorilla Jokes

  1. What did the gorilla say on Christmas morning?
    • Answer: “I’m ape-solutely bananas for presents!”
    • Description: The joke uses “ape-solutely” to make a gorilla-themed version of “absolutely.”
  2. Why did the gorilla dress up for Halloween?
    • Answer: It wanted to be the scariest ape in the jungle!
    • Description: A straightforward joke that plays on Halloween costumes and the idea of being scary.
  3. What’s a gorilla’s favorite holiday treat?
    • Answer: Banana bread with extra jungle spice!
    • Description: A fun joke imagining a gorilla’s perfect holiday snack.
  4. Why did the gorilla light fireworks on the Fourth of July?
    • Answer: To celebrate the ape-volution!
    • Description: A pun on “revolution,” making it fit a gorilla theme.
  5. What did the gorilla bring to the Thanksgiving dinner?
    • Answer: A banana turkey!
    • Description: A humorous image of a gorilla combining its favorite food with a Thanksgiving tradition.
  6. Why did the gorilla love Valentine’s Day?
    • Answer: Because it got to send banana-grams!
    • Description: A pun on “candy-grams,” with bananas substituted to fit the gorilla theme.
  7. What’s a gorilla’s favorite Easter activity?
    • Answer: Hunting for golden bananas!
    • Description: A playful joke imagining an Easter egg hunt with bananas instead.
  8. Why did the gorilla make a New Year’s resolution?
    • Answer: It wanted to turn over a new leaf, or maybe a new banana peel!
    • Description: A joke that humorously imagines a gorilla’s resolution involving bananas.
  9. What do you call a gorilla at a costume party?
    • Answer: The life of the jungle party!
    • Description: The joke plays on the phrase “life of the party,” making it fit a gorilla’s natural habitat.
  10. Why did the gorilla wear a Santa hat?
    • Answer: To spread some jungle cheer!
    • Description: A simple joke imagining a festive gorilla getting into the holiday spirit.

 10. Animal-Themed Gorilla Jokes

  1. Why did the gorilla make friends with a parrot?
    • Answer: It wanted someone to ape his jokes!
    • Description: A pun on “ape,” meaning to mimic, which is what parrots do with speech.
  2. What do you call a gorilla who loves dogs?
    • Answer: A pet-primape!
    • Description: A made-up word combining “pet” and “primate,” imagining a gorilla with a fondness for dogs.
  3. Why did the gorilla and the lion start a band?
    • Answer: To make some wild music!
    • Description: A fun joke about two powerful animals teaming up to create music.
  4. What’s a gorilla’s favorite animal show?
    • Answer: Monkeying Around with Friends!
    • Description: A joke that imagines a gorilla enjoying a TV show about monkeys.
  5. Why did the gorilla and the penguin go on vacation together?
    • Answer: To chill out and swing from the palm trees!
    • Description: The joke humorously combines the gorilla’s jungle environment with the penguin’s chilly home.
  6. What do you call a gorilla who befriends a rabbit?
    • Answer: A hare-ape!
    • Description: A pun combining “hare” (a type of rabbit) and “ape” to create a funny friendship.
  7. Why did the gorilla teach the cat to climb trees?
    • Answer: So they could both enjoy the view from the top!
    • Description: A joke that imagines a gorilla and cat teaming up to appreciate the jungle scenery.
  8. What do you call a gorilla who loves cats?
    • Answer: A feline-ape!
    • Description: A blend of “feline” (cat) and “ape,” imagining a gorilla with a soft spot for cats.
  9. Why did the gorilla hang out with the elephants?
    • Answer: It wanted to make some big friends!
    • Description: The joke plays on the idea that elephants are big, so the gorilla wants to be friends with them.
  10. What do you call a gorilla who loves cows?
    • Answer: A moo-key!
    • Description: A blend of “moo” (cow sound) and “monkey,” making it a funny name for a gorilla who loves cows.

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