101+ Funny Jokes About Wednesdays

Wednesdays are often referred to as “hump day” because they mark the middle of the workweek, and humor can be a great way to get through the week. In this blog post, we’ve curated over 100 unique and interesting jokes about Wednesdays to bring a smile to your face. Whether you’re looking to lighten up your workday or just need a midweek pick-me-up, these jokes will do the trick. So, get ready for a chuckle as we dive into these humorous takes on Wednesdays!

1. Classic Hump Day Humor

  1. Why did the scarecrow become a successful motivational speaker on Wednesday?
    Answer: Because he was outstanding in his field.
    Explanation: The joke plays on the double meaning of “outstanding,” referring both to being exceptional and physically standing out in a field.
  2. What do you call a Wednesday with no plans?
    Answer: A “free-for-all” day!
    Explanation: “Free-for-all” typically refers to an event with no restrictions, humorously applied to a day with no scheduled activities.
  3. Why don’t Wednesday jokes work well?
    Answer: Because they’re always in the middle of the week.
    Explanation: This joke plays on the idea that the middle of the week, or Wednesday, might be less exciting or impactful compared to other days.
  4. How does Wednesday stay cool?
    Answer: It wears a “hump”-day shirt!
    Explanation: The pun here is on “hump-day” as both a nickname for Wednesday and a type of shirt.
  5. Why did the calendar go to therapy on Wednesday?
    Answer: It had too many “dates” it couldn’t keep up with.
    Explanation: The joke plays on the word “dates,” referring both to calendar dates and romantic appointments.
  6. What did the Wednesday say to Tuesday?
    Answer: “You’re almost a week away from being useful!”
    Explanation: This joke teases Tuesday, implying that it’s still far from the end of the week, making Wednesday more relevant.
  7. Why did the coffee file a police report on Wednesday?
    Answer: It got mugged!
    Explanation: The word “mugged” plays on the double meaning of being robbed and the coffee mug.
  8. What’s a Wednesday’s favorite type of music?
    Answer: Hump and bass!
    Explanation: This joke combines “hump day” with “bass” to create a fun play on musical genres.
  9. How do Wednesdays say goodbye?
    Answer: They wave “hump”-fully!
    Explanation: This joke plays on “hump”-fully as a combination of “hump day” and “hopefully.”
  10. What do you call a Wednesday that never ends?
    Answer: A “never-ending hump day!”
    Explanation: This joke exaggerates the idea of Wednesday being interminable, mixing “hump day” with “never-ending.”

2. Puns and Wordplay

  1. Why did the Wednesday break up with the Monday?
    Answer: It was tired of being in the middle of the week.
    Explanation: The joke plays on the idea of a relationship metaphorically being in the middle of the week.
  2. How does Wednesday feel about being in the middle?
    Answer: It has mixed feelings!
    Explanation: This joke uses the double meaning of “mixed feelings” to play on the middle position of Wednesday in the week.
  3. What’s a Wednesday’s favorite exercise?
    Answer: The “hump”-ing jack!
    Explanation: This joke combines “hump day” with a playful twist on “jumping jack.”
  4. Why did the Wednesday start a band?
    Answer: It wanted to be a “hump”-some rock star!
    Explanation: The word “hump”-some is a play on “handsome” and “hump day.”
  5. How does Wednesday feel when it’s halfway through the week?
    Answer: It’s “halfway there” and loving it!
    Explanation: This joke plays on the phrase “halfway there,” reflecting Wednesday’s position in the week.
  6. Why do Wednesday jokes always get a lot of laughs?
    Answer: Because they’re “hump”-erific!
    Explanation: The term “hump”-erific combines “hump day” with “terrific.”
  7. What do you call a Wednesday that went on vacation?
    Answer: A “getaway hump day”!
    Explanation: This joke adds a vacation twist to “hump day,” making it sound like a holiday.
  8. Why was the Wednesday in a bad mood?
    Answer: Because it was “stuck” in the middle!
    Explanation: The joke uses “stuck” to emphasize the middle position of Wednesday.
  9. What did the Wednesday say to the weekend?
    Answer: “See you on the flip side!”
    Explanation: This joke humorously personifies Wednesday looking forward to the weekend.
  10. How do Wednesdays greet each other?
    Answer: With a “hump”-tastic hug!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with “fantastic” creates a playful greeting.

3. Workweek Woes

  1. Why was Wednesday so good at math?
    Answer: It always knew how to “add” some fun to the week!
    Explanation: This joke plays on the idea of Wednesday adding excitement in the middle of the week.
  2. How does Wednesday solve problems at work?
    Answer: It takes a “hump”-backed approach!
    Explanation: The joke plays on “hump” as a physical trait and a method for dealing with issues.
  3. Why did the Wednesday apply for a promotion?
    Answer: It wanted to move up the week’s ladder!
    Explanation: The joke imagines Wednesday aspiring to move from the middle to a higher position.
  4. How do Wednesdays handle work stress?
    Answer: With a “hump” of patience!
    Explanation: The joke humorously suggests that patience helps Wednesday get through work stress.
  5. What’s Wednesday’s favorite work task?
    Answer: “Mid-week” meetings!
    Explanation: This joke plays on “mid-week” as both a time reference and a preferred task.
  6. Why was the Wednesday always busy?
    Answer: Because it was the “hump” of the workweek!
    Explanation: The term “hump” is used to denote the busiest part of the week.
  7. How does Wednesday deal with a heavy workload?
    Answer: It takes it “one hump” at a time!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump” to refer to managing tasks gradually.
  8. What’s a Wednesday’s favorite office supply?
    Answer: A “mid-week” pen!
    Explanation: The joke combines “mid-week” with office supplies to add humor.
  9. Why did Wednesday bring a ladder to work?
    Answer: To get over the “hump”!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump” as both a metaphor for overcoming challenges and a literal obstacle.
  10. How does Wednesday handle interruptions?
    Answer: It just “humps” along!
    Explanation: This joke plays on the idea of persisting through interruptions with humor.
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4. Fun with Food

  1. What’s Wednesday’s favorite meal?
    Answer: “Hump”-day hot dogs!
    Explanation: This joke combines “hump day” with a playful take on a popular food.
  2. Why did Wednesday refuse to eat cake?
    Answer: It didn’t want to be a “hump”-ing piece of dessert!
    Explanation: The joke plays on the idea of Wednesday avoiding becoming part of the cake.
  3. What’s a Wednesday’s favorite fruit?
    Answer: “Hump”-leberry pie!
    Explanation: The term “hump”-leberry adds humor by merging “hump day” with a fruit-based dessert.
  4. How does Wednesday like its coffee?
    Answer: With a splash of “hump”-y milk!
    Explanation: This joke blends “hump day” with a coffee order.
  5. Why did the Wednesday start a cooking show?
    Answer: To share “hump”-day recipes!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump day” to create a fun cooking theme.
  6. What’s Wednesday’s go-to snack?
    Answer: “Hump”-day nachos!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with a favorite snack adds a humorous twist.
  7. Why did Wednesday eat a big breakfast?
    Answer: To start the day on the “right hump”!
    Explanation: The joke combines “hump day” with the importance of a good breakfast.
  8. How does Wednesday make its sandwiches?
    Answer: With a “hump”-y twist!
    Explanation: The joke adds a playful spin to sandwich-making with “hump day.”
  9. What’s Wednesday’s favorite dessert?
    Answer: “Hump”-day brownies!
    Explanation: This joke combines “hump day” with a popular dessert.
  10. Why did Wednesday order extra fries?
    Answer: It needed some “hump”-ty crunch!
    Explanation: The joke adds humor by merging “hump day” with a craving for crunchy fries.

5. Office Antics

  1. Why did the Wednesday get a promotion?
    Answer: It was the best at “hump”-ing up the team’s morale!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump” to suggest improving team spirit at work.
  2. How does Wednesday react to office pranks?
    Answer: With a “hump”-le of laughter!
    Explanation: The joke adds humor by combining “hump” with laughter in response to pranks.
  3. What’s Wednesday’s favorite office chair?
    Answer: The “hump”-back chair!
    Explanation: This joke plays on “hump”-backed chairs, giving a humorous office twist.
  4. Why did Wednesday get a new desk?
    Answer: It needed more “hump”-le space!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump” to refer to needing extra space.
  5. What’s a Wednesday’s favorite office break?
    Answer: The “hump”-day stretch!
    Explanation: This joke combines “hump day” with the idea of stretching during office breaks.
  6. How does Wednesday keep track of deadlines?
    Answer: With a “hump”-er calendar!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump” in a calendar context to manage deadlines.
  7. Why did Wednesday avoid the printer?
    Answer: It didn’t want to be “hump”-ed by paper jams!
    Explanation: The joke plays on “hump” to humorously refer to printer issues.
  8. What’s Wednesday’s favorite office supply?
    Answer: The “hump”-er stapler!
    Explanation: Combining “hump” with a common office tool adds humor.
  9. Why did Wednesday bring snacks to work?
    Answer: To “hump”-le down on some treats!
    Explanation: The joke plays on “hump” with the idea of enjoying snacks.
  10. What’s Wednesday’s secret to productivity?
    Answer: “Hump”-ing up the energy!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump” to suggest boosting productivity and energy.

6. Midweek Motivators

  1. Why did Wednesday apply for a motivational speaker role?
    Answer: It wanted to inspire people to “hump” through the week!
    Explanation: The joke combines “hump day” with motivational speaking.
  2. What’s Wednesday’s favorite motivational quote?
    Answer: “Hump”-le and keep going!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump” in a motivational context.
  3. How does Wednesday stay positive?
    Answer: By focusing on the “hump”-er half of the week!
    Explanation: The joke suggests staying optimistic about the remaining part of the week.
  4. Why did Wednesday start a fitness program?
    Answer: To help people “hump” up their workouts!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with fitness adds humor.
  5. What’s a Wednesday’s favorite workout?
    Answer: The “hump”-y stretch and flex!
    Explanation: The joke combines “hump day” with a playful fitness routine.
  6. How does Wednesday encourage the team?
    Answer: By giving “hump”-day pep talks!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump day” to create a fun pep talk scenario.
  7. What’s Wednesday’s secret to a great day?
    Answer: A “hump”-ing good attitude!
    Explanation: This joke plays on “hump day” as a source of a positive attitude.
  8. Why did Wednesday start a blog?
    Answer: To share “hump”-day inspiration!
    Explanation: The joke combines blogging with midweek motivation.
  9. What’s Wednesday’s best productivity tip?
    Answer: Take a “hump”-day break to recharge!
    Explanation: The joke humorously suggests taking breaks for productivity.
  10. How does Wednesday stay focused at work?
    Answer: By “hump”-ing up the concentration!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump” to suggest increasing focus and productivity.

7. Family Fun

  1. Why did Wednesday bring its kids to the park?
    Answer: To have a “hump”-day picnic!
    Explanation: The joke combines family outings with the idea of a “hump”-day picnic.
  2. What’s Wednesday’s favorite family activity?
    Answer: A “hump”-day game night!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump day” to describe a fun family activity.
  3. How does Wednesday entertain the kids?
    Answer: With “hump”-day crafts!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with crafts adds humor to family activities.
  4. Why did Wednesday organize a family movie night?
    Answer: To enjoy a “hump”-day film fest!
    Explanation: The joke adds a playful twist to family movie nights.
  5. What’s Wednesday’s favorite family meal?
    Answer: A “hump”-day BBQ!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with a barbecue creates a fun family meal idea.
  6. How does Wednesday keep the family entertained?
    Answer: With “hump”-day games and puzzles!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump day” to describe family game nights.
  7. What’s a Wednesday’s go-to family outing?
    Answer: A “hump”-day zoo trip!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with a zoo trip adds a fun twist.
  8. Why did Wednesday host a family cook-off?
    Answer: To spice up “hump”-day dinners!
    Explanation: The joke adds humor by merging cooking with “hump day.”
  9. What’s Wednesday’s favorite family tradition?
    Answer: The “hump”-day family photo shoot!
    Explanation: This joke combines family traditions with “hump day.”
  10. How does Wednesday celebrate family time?
    Answer: With “hump”-day hugs and fun!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump day” to describe affectionate family moments.
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8. School Shenanigans

  1. Why did Wednesday become the principal’s favorite day?
    Answer: Because it always “humps” the students up for the rest of the week!
    Explanation: The joke combines “hump day” with student motivation.
  2. What’s Wednesday’s favorite subject?
    Answer: “Hump”-day history!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump day” to create a playful take on school subjects.
  3. How does Wednesday help students study?
    Answer: With “hump”-day study sessions!
    Explanation: The joke merges “hump day” with study sessions to add humor.
  4. Why did Wednesday get an A in school?
    Answer: Because it always “humps” to the top of the class!
    Explanation: This joke plays on “hump” as both a peak and a good grade.
  5. What’s Wednesday’s favorite school lunch?
    Answer: “Hump”-day pizza!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with a popular school lunch adds humor.
  6. How does Wednesday motivate students?
    Answer: By giving “hump”-day pep talks in class!
    Explanation: The joke adds a motivational twist to classroom pep talks.
  7. What’s Wednesday’s best classroom activity?
    Answer: The “hump”-day talent show!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with a talent show adds fun to the school routine.
  8. Why did Wednesday become a school mascot?
    Answer: Because it was “hump”-tastic at sports!
    Explanation: This joke merges “hump day” with school sports activities.
  9. What’s a Wednesday’s favorite school project?
    Answer: The “hump”-day science fair!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump day” to describe a fun school event.
  10. How does Wednesday celebrate good grades?
    Answer: With a “hump”-day high-five!
    Explanation: The joke combines “hump day” with celebratory high-fives.

9. Tech and Gadgets

  1. Why did Wednesday update its software?
    Answer: To stay “hump”-er-efficient!
    Explanation: The joke combines “hump day” with tech efficiency.
  2. What’s Wednesday’s favorite gadget?
    Answer: The “hump”-day tablet!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump day” in the context of a popular tech device.
  3. How does Wednesday fix tech issues?
    Answer: With a “hump”-day reboot!
    Explanation: The joke adds humor by combining “hump day” with tech troubleshooting.
  4. Why did Wednesday become a tech  coach?
    Because it knows how to “hump”-le over tech problems!
    Explanation: The joke plays on “hump” as overcoming tech challenges.
  5. What’s Wednesday’s favorite app?
    Answer: The “hump”-day reminder app!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with a helpful app adds a humorous twist.
  6. How does Wednesday stay updated with gadgets?
    Answer: By reading “hump”-day tech reviews!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump day” to describe tech reviews.
  7. Why did Wednesday start a tech blog?
    Answer: To share “hump”-day gadget tips!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with tech advice creates a playful idea.
  8. What’s Wednesday’s go-to tech accessory?
    Answer: The “hump”-day charger!
    Explanation: This joke merges “hump day” with a common tech accessory.
  9. How does Wednesday handle tech problems?
    Answer: By using “hump”-day troubleshooting guides!
    Explanation: The joke adds humor to tech problem-solving with “hump day.”
  10. What’s Wednesday’s tech motto?
    Answer: “Hump”-ing up the digital world!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump day” to describe tech enthusiasm.

10. Fun with Food

  1. Why did Wednesday cook a big meal?
    Answer: To celebrate “hump”-day hunger!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with a big meal creates a fun food-related joke.
  2. What’s Wednesday’s favorite breakfast?
    Answer: “Hump”-day pancakes!
    Explanation: This joke uses “hump day” to describe a popular breakfast dish.
  3. How does Wednesday enjoy dessert?
    Answer: With a “hump”-day sundae!
    Explanation: The joke combines “hump day” with a favorite dessert.
  4. Why did Wednesday make a special dinner?
    Answer: To spice up “hump”-day dining!
    Explanation: The joke adds humor to preparing special meals on Wednesdays.
  5. What’s Wednesday’s go-to snack?
    Answer: “Hump”-day chips and dip!
    Explanation: Combining “hump day” with a common snack adds a playful twist.
  6. How does Wednesday keep meals interesting?
    Answer: With “hump”-day food challenges!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump day” to describe creative food activities.
  7. What’s Wednesday’s favorite drink?
    Answer: The “hump”-day smoothie!
    Explanation: This joke merges “hump day” with a refreshing beverage.
  8. Why did Wednesday host a cooking contest?
    To find the best “hump”-day recipe!
    Explanation: The joke adds humor by combining “hump day” with a cooking competition.
  9. What’s Wednesday’s best cooking tip?
    Answer: Use “hump”-day spices for extra flavor!
    Explanation: The joke combines “hump day” with flavorful cooking tips.
  10. How does Wednesday celebrate food?
    Answer: With a “hump”-day feast!
    Explanation: The joke uses “hump day” to describe a celebratory meal.

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