101+Funny Jokes About Mummies

Last updated on October 7th, 2024 at 04:15 am

Mummies have always been a source of fascination, mystery, and a little bit of humor! Whether it’s the thought of ancient tombs or the wrapped-up figures that come to life in movies, there’s something about mummies that tickles the funny bone.

In this blog post, we’ve gathered over 101 funny jokes about mummies that are sure to leave you in stitches.

101+Funny Jokes About Mummies

101+Funny Jokes About Mummies

 Mummy Humor Unwrapped

  1. Why don’t mummies take vacations?
    • Answer: They’re afraid they’ll relax and unwind!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped up tightly, so the joke plays on the idea of them “unwinding” if they take a break.
  2. What kind of music do mummies listen to?
    • Answer: Wrap music!
    • Explanation: A play on “rap music,” with a nod to the fact that mummies are wrapped in bandages.
  3. Why did the mummy call the doctor?
    • Answer: He was coffin a lot!
    • Explanation: “Coffin” sounds like “coughing,” making it a perfect pun for a mummy joke.
  4. What’s a mummy’s favorite type of exercise?
    • Answer: Cross-fit!
    • Explanation: “Cross” is a common symbol found in ancient Egyptian tombs, and “fit” refers to exercise, making it a clever play on words.
  5. Why do mummies never reveal their secrets?
    • Answer: They keep everything under wraps!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped up, so the phrase “under wraps” works perfectly here.
  6. Why don’t mummies use social media?
    • Answer: They can’t handle the exposure!
    • Explanation: Mummies prefer to stay hidden, so the idea of “exposure” on social media adds a humorous twist.
  7. What’s a mummy’s favorite flower?
    • Answer: Chrysanthemummy!
    • Explanation: A pun on “chrysanthemum,” a type of flower, with “mummy” added for a fun twist.
  8. Why was the mummy a terrible comedian?
    • Answer: He had no sense of tomb-er!
    • Explanation: A play on the word “tumor” and “tomb,” where mummies are typically found, with a pun on “sense of humor.”
  9. How do mummies make phone calls?
    • Answer: On their sarcoph-a-gone!
    • Explanation: A combination of “sarcophagus,” the coffin-like structure mummies are placed in, and “phone.”
  10. Why did the mummy join a band?
    • Answer: He had great wraps!
    • Explanation: Referring to both the mummy’s bandages (wraps) and musical “raps,” this joke is a clever double entendre.

 Ancient Laughter

  1. Why did the mummy go to school?
    • Answer: To improve his sphinxing skills!
    • Explanation: A play on “thinking” and the Sphinx, a famous Egyptian statue.
  2. What do mummies do when they’re stressed?
    • Answer: They unravel!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped up, so “unravel” here is both literal and metaphorical.
  3. Why was the mummy always calm?
    • Answer: He knew how to wrap things up!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and the phrase “wrap things up” means to finish or resolve issues, adding a funny twist.
  4. What’s a mummy’s least favorite type of joke?
    • Answer: A rip-off!
    • Explanation: A play on the idea of ripping off bandages, which mummies wouldn’t appreciate.
  5. Why don’t mummies play sports?
    • Answer: They don’t want to get unwrapped!
    • Explanation: Mummies are concerned about their bandages, so the idea of getting “unwrapped” in sports is humorous.
  6. What’s a mummy’s favorite type of movie?
    • Answer: A wrap-up story!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrap-up,” meaning a conclusion, with a nod to mummies being wrapped.
  7. Why was the mummy embarrassed at the party?
    • Answer: He didn’t have a wrap to wear!
    • Explanation: Mummies are known for their wraps, so the idea of not having one at a party is funny.
  8. What’s a mummy’s favorite food?
    • Answer: Wraps!
    • Explanation: A simple pun on the food “wraps” and the bandages that mummies are wrapped in.
  9. How do mummies stay in shape?
    • Answer: They wrap themselves up in fitness routines!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, so the idea of wrapping themselves up in fitness routines adds a funny twist.
  10. Why do mummies love to tell secrets?
    • Answer: Because they always keep things under wraps!
    • Explanation: A play on “keeping things under wraps,” which means keeping secrets, combined with the fact that mummies are wrapped in bandages.

 Spooky but Funny

 Spooky but Funny
  1. Why did the mummy refuse dessert?
    • Answer: He was already wrapped up!
    • Explanation: The phrase “wrapped up” can mean finished or occupied, making it a fun play on words for a mummy.
  2. What did the mummy say to the detective?
    • Answer: “You’ve got me in a bind!”
    • Explanation: Mummies are bound in bandages, so “in a bind” has a double meaning here.
  3. Why don’t mummies get invited to parties?
    • Answer: They’re too wrapped up in themselves!
    • Explanation: Mummies are physically wrapped, and the phrase “wrapped up in themselves” refers to someone who is self-absorbed.
  4. What do you call a mummy who wins the lottery?
    • Answer: A cash-wrapped pharaoh!
    • Explanation: A play on “cash-strapped” (someone who needs money) and mummies being wrapped in bandages.
  5. Why did the mummy break up with his girlfriend?
    • Answer: She couldn’t wrap her head around his problems!
    • Explanation: A pun on the idea of understanding (“wrap her head around”) and the mummy’s literal wrapping.
  6. Why did the mummy get a job?
    • Answer: He wanted to wrap up some loose ends!
    • Explanation: “Wrap up loose ends” means to finish things, playing on the mummy’s wrapping.
  7. What’s a mummy’s favorite clothing brand?
    • Answer: Wrap & Roll!
    • Explanation: A fictional brand name that plays on the mummy’s wrapping and the phrase “rock and roll.”
  8. Why don’t mummies watch horror movies?
    • Answer: They get too wrapped up in them!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and “wrapped up” can also mean being deeply involved or engrossed in something.
  9. What did the mummy say to the bandage?
    • Answer: “I’ve got you all wrapped up!”
    • Explanation: A play on the mummy’s bandages and the phrase “all wrapped up,” meaning finished or secure.
  10. Why do mummies make bad chefs?
    • Answer: They always leave things wrapped up too tight!
    • Explanation: Mummies are known for being tightly wrapped, so the idea of them leaving food “wrapped up too tight” adds humor.

 Mummy Puns That Stick

  1. Why do mummies make good secret agents?
    • Answer: They’re great at keeping things under wraps!
    • Explanation: The phrase “under wraps” means to keep something secret, which mummies literally are.
  2. What did the mummy say after his workout?
    • Answer: “I’m all wrapped up for the day!”
    • Explanation: “All wrapped up” means finished, and mummies are physically wrapped, making this a clever pun.
  3. Why do mummies always get the last word?
    • Answer: Because they’re always wrapped up in the final say!
    • Explanation: “Final say” means the last word, and mummies are literally wrapped up.
  4. What’s a mummy’s favorite game?
    • Answer: Wrap-and-seek!
    • Explanation: A play on “hide-and-seek,” with “wrap” replacing “hide” to match the mummy theme.
  5. Why don’t mummies like the cold?
    • Answer: They’re afraid they’ll get a case of unwrap-thritis!
    • Explanation: A pun on “arthritis,” with “unwrap” added to play on the mummy’s wrapping.
  6. Why did the mummy start a podcast?
    • Answer: He had a lot to wrap about!
    • Explanation: A play on “rap about,” as in talking, and “wrap,” as mummies are wrapped.
  7. What did the mummy say on Halloween?
    • Answer: “I’m ready to wrap up the night!”
    • Explanation: “Wrap up the night” means to finish the night, and mummies are wrapped, making it a fitting joke.
  8. Why do mummies love making art?
    • Answer: They’re great at wrapping up projects!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and “wrapping up” means finishing a task, making this a fun pun.
  9. Why did the mummy take up knitting?
    • Answer: To wrap up his loose ends!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and “wrapping up loose ends” means finishing unresolved matters, adding humor to the joke.
  10. What’s a mummy’s favorite type of sandwich?
    • Answer: Anything that’s a wrap!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, so they would naturally prefer “wrap” sandwiches, making it a clever joke.
See also  Funny water puns

 Laughing from the Tomb

 Laughing from the Tomb
  1. Why did the mummy go to therapy?
    • Answer: He had some unresolved wrap issues!
    • Explanation: “Unresolved issues” is a common phrase, with “wrap” added to fit the mummy theme.
  2. What’s a mummy’s favorite snack?
    • Answer: Wrap chips!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrap” and the idea of snacks, which mummies might enjoy.
  3. Why don’t mummies play cards?
    • Answer: They’re afraid they’ll fold!
    • Explanation: “Folding” is a term in card games, and mummies are wrapped, so the idea of them “folding” adds humor.
  4. What did the mummy say to the fabric store owner?
    • Answer: “Wrap it up, please!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrap it up,” which mummies would naturally say.
  5. Why did the mummy open a bakery?
    • Answer: He was good at wrapping things up!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and bakers often wrap baked goods, making it a fitting joke.
  6. What’s a mummy’s least favorite weather?
    • Answer: Humid weather—it makes them unravel!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and humid weather could cause their bandages to come loose, making it a funny scenario.
  7. Why did the mummy apply for a job?
    • Answer: He wanted to wrap up his career!
    • Explanation: “Wrapping up” means finishing something, and mummies are literally wrapped, making it a clever pun.
  8. Why was the mummy late for the meeting?
    • Answer: He was all tied up!
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “all tied up,” meaning busy, with a nod to the mummy’s bandages.
  9. Why did the mummy break up with his girlfriend?
    • Answer: She was too clingy!
    • Explanation: A humorous play on the idea of clingy bandages and a clingy girlfriend.
  10. What did the mummy say to the judge?
    • Answer: “I’m innocent! It’s all a wrap!”
    • Explanation: A pun on “it’s a wrap,” meaning it’s finished, with a nod to the mummy’s wrapping.

 Mummy Jokes That Won’t Stay Buried

  1. Why don’t mummies like to surf?
    • Answer: They’re afraid of getting unwrapped by the waves!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and the idea of them getting unwrapped by waves is both funny and fitting.
  2. What do you call a mummy who tells jokes?
    • Answer: A pun-ny pharaoh!
    • Explanation: A play on “punny” (full of puns) and “pharaoh,” a common mummy association.
  3. Why did the mummy start a blog?
    • Answer: He had a lot of bandage stories to share!
    • Explanation: A play on “bandage” and “vintage,” with mummies having lots of old stories to tell.
  4. What’s a mummy’s favorite fruit?
    • Answer: A wrap-berry!
    • Explanation: A play on “raspberry” with “wrap” added to fit the mummy theme.
  5. Why did the mummy fail art class?
    • Answer: He couldn’t draw outside the wraps!
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “draw outside the lines” with “wraps” substituted for lines, given mummies are wrapped.
  6. Why do mummies never win marathons?
    • Answer: They can’t keep it together!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped in bandages, so the idea of them “falling apart” during a race is humorous.
  7. What’s a mummy’s favorite board game?
    • Answer: Wrap-around-the-board!
    • Explanation: A fictional board game name playing on the mummy’s bandages.
  8. Why do mummies make good friends?
    • Answer: They’re always wrapped up in your problems!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapped up,” meaning deeply involved, and mummies being physically wrapped.
  9. What did the mummy say when he was asked to dance?
    • Answer: “I’ve got the moves wrapped up!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “got the moves down” with “wrapped” substituted, fitting for a mummy.
  10. Why did the mummy become a gardener?
    • Answer: He wanted to wrap his roots in something special!
    • Explanation: A pun on “roots” in gardening and the idea of wrapping them, as mummies are wrapped.

 Tomb Time Chuckles

 Tomb Time Chuckles
  1. Why don’t mummies like to argue?
    • Answer: They always get wrapped up in the details!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapped up,” meaning entangled in something, with mummies being literally wrapped.
  2. What’s a mummy’s favorite type of joke?
    • Answer: A wrap-around punchline!
    • Explanation: A fictional type of joke where the punchline “wraps around” the story, fitting for a mummy.
  3. Why did the mummy avoid the library?
    • Answer: He didn’t want to be unwrapped in public!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, so the idea of being “unwrapped” in public is funny and slightly absurd.
  4. What do you call a mummy who loves to dance?
    • Answer: A wrap-star!
    • Explanation: A play on “rock star,” with “wrap” added to fit the mummy theme.
  5. Why was the mummy a terrible roommate?
    • Answer: He kept things too wrapped up!
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning keeping things secret or unresolved, with mummies being literally wrapped.
  6. What did the mummy say when asked to solve a problem?
    • Answer: “I’ve got it all wrapped up!”
    • Explanation: A phrase meaning to have something solved or finished, fitting for a mummy.
  7. Why do mummies make good detectives?
    • Answer: They always unravel the mystery!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, so the idea of them “unraveling” a mystery is both clever and funny.
  8. What’s a mummy’s favorite hobby?
    • Answer: Wrapping gifts!
    • Explanation: A play on the idea of wrapping, as mummies are naturally good at it.
  9. Why did the mummy start a clothing line?
    • Answer: He knew how to wrap things up!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapping up” as in finishing things and the mummy’s literal wrapping.
  10. What do mummies say to bad jokes?
    • Answer: “That’s a wrap!”
    • Explanation: A common phrase meaning something is finished, fitting for a mummy to say.

 Mummy Giggles for All Ages

  1. Why did the mummy go to the dance?
    • Answer: He wanted to wrap up the night!
    • Explanation: A phrase meaning to finish the night, with a play on the mummy’s wrapping.
  2. What did the mummy say when he tripped?
    • Answer: “I’m all wrapped up in this mess!”
    • Explanation: A play on “all wrapped up,” meaning caught in something, with mummies being wrapped.
  3. Why do mummies make bad magicians?
    • Answer: They can’t pull anything out of a wrap!
    • Explanation: A play on magicians pulling things out of a hat, with “wrap” substituted for mummies.
  4. What’s a mummy’s favorite kind of joke?
    • Answer: A wrap-around story!
    • Explanation: A fictional type of story where the end connects to the beginning, fitting for a mummy.
  5. Why did the mummy start a band?
    • Answer: He wanted to be a wrap-star!
    • Explanation: A play on “rock star” with “wrap” substituted, fitting for a mummy.
  6. What did the mummy say at the comedy show?
    • Answer: “These jokes have me wrapped up!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning fully engaged, with mummies being wrapped.
  7. Why don’t mummies like the beach?
    • Answer: They don’t want to get unwrapped by the wind!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and the idea of them getting unwrapped by the wind is humorous.
  8. What’s a mummy’s favorite dessert?
    • Answer: Wrap-ple pie!
    • Explanation: A play on “apple pie” with “wrap” added, fitting for a mummy.
  9. Why did the mummy avoid social media?
    • Answer: He didn’t want to get wrapped up in it!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapped up,” meaning caught in something, with mummies being wrapped.
  10. What did the mummy say to his friend?
    • Answer: “You’ve got me all wrapped up in this!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning involved in something, fitting for a mummy.
See also  101+Funny Jokes About Towns

 Spooky Mummy Laughs

 Spooky Mummy Laughs
  1. Why don’t mummies like elevators?
    • Answer: They’re afraid of getting wrapped up!
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning entangled in something, with mummies being wrapped.
  2. What’s a mummy’s favorite type of movie?
    • Answer: A wrap-around plot!
    • Explanation: A fictional movie type where the plot “wraps around” itself, fitting for a mummy.
  3. Why did the mummy take a job as a teacher?
    • Answer: He was good at wrapping up lessons!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapping up,” meaning finishing, with a nod to the mummy’s wrapping.
  4. What’s a mummy’s least favorite type of joke?
    • Answer: An unwrapping joke!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, so they naturally wouldn’t like jokes about getting unwrapped.
  5. Why did the mummy refuse to go to the party?
    • Answer: He didn’t want to get unwrapped!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, so the idea of getting unwrapped at a party is funny.
  6. What do mummies say to their kids?
    • Answer: “Don’t get wrapped up in trouble!”
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapped up,” meaning entangled in something, fitting for a mummy to say.
  7. Why do mummies make bad drivers?
    • Answer: They’re always getting wrapped up in traffic!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapped up,” meaning caught in something, with mummies being wrapped.
  8. What’s a mummy’s favorite type of sandwich?
    • Answer: A wrap sandwich!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, so they would naturally prefer wrap sandwiches, making it a fitting joke.
  9. Why did the mummy go to the gym?
    • Answer: To keep his wraps tight!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and keeping their wraps tight is important, making it a clever joke.
  10. What did the mummy say when he finished his homework?
    • Answer: “That’s a wrap!”
    • Explanation: A common phrase meaning something is finished, fitting for a mummy to say.

 Giggles from the Crypt

 Giggles from the Crypt
  1. Why did the mummy start a diet?
    • Answer: He wanted to wrap up his waistline!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapping up,” meaning finishing or reducing, with a nod to the mummy’s wrapping.
  2. What did the mummy say at the party?
    • Answer: “Let’s wrap this up!”
    • Explanation: A phrase meaning to finish something, with a nod to the mummy’s wrapping.
  3. Why do mummies make bad athletes?
    • Answer: They’re always getting wrapped up!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapped up,” meaning caught in something, with mummies being wrapped.
  4. What’s a mummy’s favorite instrument?
    • Answer: The wrap-drum!
    • Explanation: A fictional instrument name playing on the mummy’s bandages.
  5. Why did the mummy get in trouble at school?
    • Answer: He kept wrapping his notes!
    • Explanation: A play on the idea of wrapping things up, with mummies being naturally good at it.
  6. What’s a mummy’s favorite type of story?
    • Answer: A wrap-around tale!
    • Explanation: A fictional story type where the end connects to the beginning, fitting for a mummy.
  7. Why did the mummy go to the library?
    • Answer: To check out some wrap stories!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrap” and “rap,” with mummies having lots of stories to tell.
  8. What’s a mummy’s favorite game?
    • Answer: Wrap-around!
    • Explanation: A fictional game name playing on the mummy’s bandages.
  9. Why did the mummy avoid the sun?
    • Answer: He didn’t want to get unwrapped!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, so they naturally wouldn’t like the sun, which might cause their bandages to unravel.
  10. What did the mummy say when he finished cleaning?
    • Answer: “That’s a wrap!”
    • Explanation: A common phrase meaning something is finished, fitting for a mummy to say.

 Mummy Jokes to Die For

  1. Why did the mummy start a band?
    • Answer: He wanted to be a wrap star!
    • Explanation: A play on “rock star,” with “wrap” added to fit the mummy theme.
  2. What did the mummy say when he was complimented?
    • Answer: “I’m all wrapped up in this!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning fully engaged, with mummies being wrapped.
  3. Why did the mummy avoid roller coasters?
    • Answer: He didn’t want to get unwrapped!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, so the idea of getting unwrapped on a roller coaster is both funny and fitting.
  4. What’s a mummy’s favorite workout?
    • Answer: Wrap-squats!
    • Explanation: A fictional workout name playing on the mummy’s bandages.
  5. Why did the mummy start a business?
    • Answer: He was good at wrapping things up!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and “wrapping up” means finishing tasks, making it a clever joke.
  6. What did the mummy say when asked to join a team?
    • Answer: “I’m all wrapped up in this!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning fully engaged, with mummies being wrapped.
  7. Why did the mummy take up painting?
    • Answer: He wanted to wrap up some new skills!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapping up,” meaning to finish, with a nod to the mummy’s wrapping.
  8. What’s a mummy’s favorite type of movie?
    • Answer: A wrap-around plot!
    • Explanation: A fictional movie type where the plot “wraps around” itself, fitting for a mummy.
  9. Why did the mummy go to the beach?
    • Answer: He wanted to wrap up some sun!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapping up,” meaning to soak up something, with a nod to the mummy’s wrapping.
  10. What did the mummy say to his friend?
    • Answer: “You’ve got me all wrapped up in this!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning involved in something, fitting for a mummy.

 Laughs from the Pyramid

 Laughs from the Pyramid
  1. Why did the mummy get a pet?
    • Answer: He wanted to wrap it in love!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapping up” meaning to finish, with a nod to the mummy’s wrapping.
  2. What did the mummy say when he was caught?
    • Answer: “You’ve got me all wrapped up!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning entangled, with mummies being wrapped.
  3. Why did the mummy start a business?
    • Answer: He was good at wrapping things up!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and “wrapping up” means finishing tasks, making it a clever joke.
  4. What’s a mummy’s favorite game?
    • Answer: Wrap-around!
    • Explanation: A fictional game name playing on the mummy’s bandages.
  5. Why did the mummy go to the gym?
    • Answer: To keep his wraps tight!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and keeping their wraps tight is important, making it a clever joke.
  6. What did the mummy say at the comedy show?
    • Answer: “These jokes have me wrapped up!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning fully engaged, with mummies being wrapped.
  7. Why don’t mummies like the beach?
    • Answer: They don’t want to get unwrapped by the wind!
    • Explanation: Mummies are wrapped, and the idea of them getting unwrapped by the wind is humorous.
  8. What’s a mummy’s favorite dessert?
    • Answer: Wrap-ple pie!
    • Explanation: A play on “apple pie” with “wrap” added, fitting for a mummy.
  9. Why did the mummy avoid social media?
    • Answer: He didn’t want to get wrapped up in it!
    • Explanation: A play on “wrapped up,” meaning caught in something, with mummies being wrapped.
  10. What did the mummy say to his friend?
    • Answer: “You’ve got me all wrapped up in this!”
    • Explanation: A play on the phrase “wrapped up,” meaning involved in something, fitting for a mummy.


These mummy riddles are perfect for any Halloween event or just to bring a bit of spooky humor into your day! Whether you’re sharing them with friends or enjoying them alone, you’re sure to be “wrapped up” in laughter.

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