101+Funny Hippo Jokes

Hippos are often seen as big, grumpy, and intimidating creatures, but they also have a charmingly funny side that can make anyone smile! Whether you’re looking to entertain your kids, lighten the mood, or just enjoy a good laugh, hippo jokes are a fantastic choice.

This blog post is packed with over 101 hilarious and unique hippo jokes that are sure to bring a chuckle. From wordplay to puns, these jokes cover all angles and are designed to be both funny and easy to understand.

So, dive in and let’s splash around in the humor pool with these adorable, funny hippo jokes!

1. Hippo Puns to Make You Grin

  1. Q: What do you call a hippo who loves to dance? A: A “hip-hop-opotamus”!
    • Description: A play on “hip-hop” (a style of dance and music) and “hippopotamus.”
  2. Q: Why don’t hippos like to play hide and seek? A: Because they’re always spotted!
    • Description: This joke plays on the double meaning of “spotted” (seen easily and having spots).
  3. Q: What did the hippo say when he bumped into someone? A: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make such a big splash!”
    • Description: This joke references the large splash a hippo makes in water.
  4. Q: Why did the hippo sit on the clock? A: He wanted to be on time!
    • Description: A humorous take on being punctual by “sitting on” the clock.
  5. Q: How do hippos express their love? A: They give a “hippo-kiss!”
    • Description: A cute combination of “hippo” and “kiss.”
  6. Q: Why are hippos such good storytellers? A: They always make a “splash” with their tales!
    • Description: “Splash” refers to making a big impact, like the hippo does in water.
  7. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite game? A: “Hungry Hungry Hippos!”
    • Description: A reference to the popular children’s game featuring hippos.
  8. Q: Why do hippos never get lost? A: They always follow the “hippo-path!”
    • Description: A pun on “hypotenuse” and a path that a hippo might take.
  9. Q: How do hippos stay cool in the summer? A: They take a “hippo-dip!”
    • Description: A fun take on the hippo’s love for water.
  10. Q: What do you get when you cross a hippo with a musician? A: A “hip-opotune!”
    • Description: A blend of “hippopotamus” and “tune,” suggesting a musical hippo.

2. Jokes About Hippo Hobbies

  1. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite sport? A: Water polo, but only if they can be the ball!
    • Description: Imagining a hippo as a ball in water polo makes this joke funny.
  2. Q: Why do hippos love painting? A: Because they’re naturals at “watercolor!”
    • Description: A clever link between hippos living in water and the art technique.
  3. Q: How do hippos play music? A: On the “hippo-bass!”
    • Description: A play on words with “hippo” and “double bass,” a musical instrument.
  4. Q: What do hippos do at parties? A: They “hippo-shuffle!”
    • Description: A dance reference, imagining a hippo moving to music.
  5. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite exercise? A: “Hippo-squats”!
    • Description: A joke based on the hippo’s squat-like stance.
  6. Q: Why do hippos love the gym? A: They like to stay in “hippo-shape!”
    • Description: A pun on “shape,” suggesting hippos are concerned with fitness.
  7. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite workout song? A: “Eye of the Hippo!”
    • Description: A twist on the famous song “Eye of the Tiger.”
  8. Q: Why are hippos bad at tennis? A: They keep making a “splash serve!”
    • Description: Imagining a hippo serving in tennis and making a splash.
  9. Q: What do hippos do after a long day? A: They relax with a “hippo-spa.”
    • Description: Combining “hippo” and “spa,” imagining a hippo pampering itself.
  10. Q: Why do hippos love photography? A: They’re always ready for a “hippo-shot!”
    • Description: A play on “photo shot” with “hippo.”

3. Foodie Hippo Jokes

  1. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite snack? A: Anything “hippo-sized!”
    • Description: The joke exaggerates the size of a hippo’s meal.
  2. Q: Why don’t hippos eat fast food? A: They can’t catch it!
    • Description: A twist on the meaning of “fast food,” implying the food runs away.
  3. Q: What do hippos like on their pizza? A: Extra “hippo-rizzas!”
    • Description: A play on “pizza” and “hippo,” imagining a hippo-themed pizza topping.
  4. Q: How do hippos eat spaghetti? A: Very “hippo-messy!”
    • Description: Describing how a hippo would messily eat spaghetti.
  5. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite dessert? A: “Hippo-float!”
    • Description: A play on “root beer float” with a hippo twist.
  6. Q: Why do hippos never get hungry? A: They’re always “hippo-full!”
    • Description: A pun on the words “hippo” and “full.”
  7. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite vegetable? A: “Hippo-cabbage!”
    • Description: Imagining a hippo-themed vegetable.
  8. Q: Why did the hippo cross the road? A: To get to the “hippo-diner!”
    • Description: A twist on the classic joke with a hippo going to eat.
  9. Q: How do hippos enjoy their sandwiches? A: With extra “hippo-mayo!”
    • Description: A humorous idea of a hippo’s love for mayonnaise.
  10. Q: What’s a hippo’s drink of choice? A: “Hippo-latte!”
    • Description: A playful combination of “hippo” and “latte.”
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4. Hippo Jokes About Work and School

  1. Q: What job did the hippo apply for? A: “Hippo-security!”
    • Description: A pun on “hippo” and “security,” imagining a hippo as a guard.
  2. Q: Why did the hippo get an “A” in school? A: He was great at “hippo-math!”
    • Description: Combining “hippo” with “math” for a smart hippo.
  3. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite subject? A: “Hippo-graphy!”
    • Description: A blend of “hippo” and “geography,” a subject in school.
  4. Q: Why was the hippo late to work? A: He got stuck in the “hippo-traffic!”
    • Description: Imagining a hippo in traffic, making the joke relatable.
  5. Q: How do hippos handle paperwork? A: With “hippo-stamps!”
    • Description: A funny image of a hippo using stamps for paperwork.
  6. Q: What do hippos say when they finish a project? A: “Hippo-done!”
    • Description: A mix of “hippo” and “done,” making it fun and conclusive.
  7. Q: Why do hippos make bad students? A: They always “hippo-nap” in class!
    • Description: A pun on “hippo” and “nap,” suggesting they sleep in class.
  8. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite office supply? A: The “hippo-stapler!”
    • Description: A playful combination of “hippo” and “stapler.”
  9. Q: What’s a hippo’s job in tech? A: “Hippo-programmer!”
    • Description: Combining “hippo” with “programmer,” imagining a tech-savvy hippo.
  10. Q: Why do hippos love recess? A: It’s their “hippo-break!”
    • Description: A fun take on “hippo” and “break,” like a recess break at school.

5. Hippo Knock-Knock Jokes

  1. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Hippo. A: Hippo who? Q: “Hippo-portunity is knocking!”
    • Description: A twist on “opportunity,” making it a knock-knock joke.
  2. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Hungry. A: Hungry who? Q: “Hungry, hungry hippo!”
    • Description: A reference to the popular children’s game.
  3. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Splash. A: Splash who? Q: “Splashy the hippo just dropped by!”
    • Description: A cute way of imagining a splashy hippo visit.
  4. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Big. A: Big who? Q: “Big ol’ hippo wants in!”
    • Description: Emphasizing the size of the hippo.
  5. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Float. A: Float who? Q: “Floating hippo coming through!”
    • Description: A nod to hippos enjoying the water.
  6. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Bath. A: Bath who? Q: “Bath-time hippo ready to splash!”
    • Description: Hippos love water, making this knock-knock joke relevant.
  7. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Stamp. A: Stamp who? Q: “Hippo-stampede on the way!”
    • Description: Playing on the idea of a hippo stampede.
  8. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Pool. A: Pool who? Q: “Hippo-pool party, are you in?”
    • Description: Imagining hippos having a pool party.
  9. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Lazy. A: Lazy who? Q: “Lazy hippo needs a nap!”
    • Description: A joke on hippos’ lazy demeanor.
  10. Q: Knock knock! A: Who’s there? Q: Mud. A: Mud who? Q: “Mud-loving hippo here!”
    • Description: Hippos love mud, making this joke relatable.
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6. Hippo One-Liners

  1. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite type of music? A: “Hippo-pop!”
    • Description: A combination of “hippo” and “pop music.”
  2. Q: Why don’t hippos use social media? A: They can’t handle the “hippo-criticism!”
    • Description: A pun on “hippo” and “criticism,” imagining hippos on social media.
  3. Q: What do you call a group of hippos telling jokes? A: A “hippo-humor!”
    • Description: Combining “hippo” and “humor.”
  4. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite candy? A: “Hippo-gummies!”
    • Description: Imagining hippo-shaped gummy candies.
  5. Q: How do hippos take their coffee? A: With a “hippo-lot” of cream!
    • Description: A funny way of saying “a lot” with “hippo.”
  6. Q: Why do hippos love yoga? A: They’re great at “hippo-sanas!”
    • Description: A pun on yoga “asanas” and “hippo.”
  7. Q: What do hippos say to motivate each other? A: “You’ve got the ‘hippo-tential!'”
    • Description: A twist on “potential,” motivating hippos.
  8. Q: Why are hippos bad at poker? A: They always go “all-in!”
    • Description: A pun related to poker terminology and hippo behavior.
  9. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite clothing brand? A: “Hippo-lacoste!”
    • Description: A fun combination of “hippo” and “Lacoste,” a clothing brand.
  10. Q: How do hippos handle stress? A: With “hippo-breathing!”
    • Description: A joke on calming “deep breathing” with a hippo twist.

7. Hippo Jokes About Family and Friends

  1. Q: Why did the hippo get grounded? A: For staying out too “hippo-late!”
    • Description: A fun twist on “late” and hippos’ night-time habits.
  2. Q: What did the hippo say to his sibling? A: “Stop being so ‘hippo-critical!'”
    • Description: A play on “hypocritical,” making it a sibling scolding.
  3. Q: Why are hippos great friends? A: They always have a “hippo-hand” to lend!
    • Description: Combining “hippo” and “helping hand.”
  4. Q: How do hippos greet each other? A: With a “hippo-hug!”
    • Description: A sweet image of hippos hugging.
  5. Q: Why do hippos make great parents? A: They’re always “hippo-vigilant!”
    • Description: A pun on being vigilant with a hippo spin.
  6. Q: What’s a hippo family’s favorite holiday? A: “Hippo-ween!”
    • Description: A fun take on “Halloween” for hippos.
  7. Q: Why did the hippo’s friend laugh? A: He heard a “hippo-rarious” joke!
    • Description: Combining “hippo” with “hilarious.”
  8. Q: How do hippo parents wake their kids? A: With a “hippo-nudge!”
    • Description: Imagining a gentle wake-up from a hippo.
  9. Q: What do hippo friends do for fun? A: They go for a “hippo-float!”
    • Description: A fun activity idea involving hippos.
  10. Q: What do hippo kids bring to school? A: Their “hippo-backpacks!”
    • Description: A playful take on hippos going to school.

8. Hippo Jokes About Travel and Adventure

  1. Q: Where do hippos like to vacation? A: “Hippo-cot Islands!”
    • Description: A play on “Coconut Islands” with a hippo twist.
  2. Q: How do hippos travel? A: By “hippo-jet!”
    • Description: Imagining a jet made for hippos.
  3. Q: Why did the hippo take a map? A: He didn’t want to “hippo-wander!”
    • Description: A joke on not getting lost with “hippo.”
  4. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite ride at the amusement park? A: The “hippo-coaster!”
    • Description: Combining “hippo” and “roller coaster.”
  5. Q: How do hippos explore new places? A: They “hippo-paddle” around!
    • Description: A joke on hippos paddling in water.
  6. Q: Why do hippos love cruises? A: They enjoy a “hippo-sail!”
    • Description: A play on “sail” with a hippo enjoying a cruise.
  7. Q: What do hippos pack for the beach? A: Their “hippo-sunscreen!”
    • Description: A fun take on hippos protecting their skin.
  8. Q: Why don’t hippos like flying? A: Too much “hippo-luggage!”
    • Description: A joke on the large baggage a hippo might have.
  9. Q: What’s a hippo’s favorite road trip snack? A: “Hippo-chips!”
    • Description: A combination of “hippo” and “chips” as a snack.
  10. Q: Where do hippos stay when they travel? A: The “Hippo-tel!”
    • Description: A playful take on “hotel” for hippos.

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